Here's the secret to serving with the light attitude: take your eyes off the physical people you are serving, and place your eyes solely on the One whom you must ultimately serve
It's workday at your church, and you're assigned the lowliest, most unpleasant job on the list, deep clean the bathrooms. Not very glamorous
The chemical small is only a little worse than, well, the typical bathroom smells. Dirt is ground in. You can't imagine how any place could get so dirty. In the middle of wiping around the third toilet, you realize that this is just going to get dirty again (quickly) and no one is going to notice or recognize your hand work
And then, by the fourth toilet, Jesus has let you know that it's not about you, it's not about toilets, and it's not about the rest of the church members. It's about serving. And it's about him. God is pleased when we consider our service for others as a service to him. Even when it includes cleaning bathrooms
In the end, serving him is what matters most
Ephesians 6:7